Friday, February 29, 2008

Two Funny Things My Kids Have Said

Last week, when Ross was promoting the Andy Gullahorn show, he posted this picture at his Ross King World Tour blog and titled his post "The Best Songwriter I Know."

Jonah who knows about blogs and can read like nobody's business, leans over and reads the title in his sweet little six-year old voice.

"The - best - song = writer - I - know."

He then looks at Kristen and me says, "That doesn't look like Daddy..."


I was reading CNN online the other day and Finley crawled up on the couch. She sees a picture of Prince Harry and taps the screen quickly, saying,


So, one kid thinks I'm the world's best songwriter and the other thinks I'm British royalty.

Am I a great parent, or what?


Kris said...

that's so cute.

Robert Conn said...

That sounds like the makings of a great song eh, chap?

Todd Wright said...

It took me a really long time to "get" your comment, Robert.

Either you're getting way more complex in your comedy or I need to stop drinking.