Friday, February 29, 2008


I got up with Jonah at 7. Since I had gone to sleep around 10:30 the night before (a big change for me,) I was feeling pretty good when we got up.

Kristen had the look that said, "Please let me sleep as I have been tending your two children while you've been making videos all week, you big jerk," so I let her sleep in.

Finley woke up about 10 minutes later. Got her out of bed, got her cup of juice and then talked with Jonah about picking what he wanted to watch. (Lately, we've really cut down his TV time, and it's been good, but it usually means more massive negotiation about what few shows he gets to watch.)

We settled on a little Spongebob (gag), then we agreed to let Finley watch Dora. (She's more of a Go, Diego, Go! girl, but Dora will do in a pinch.)

I woke Kristen up around 8. Instead of hitting the treadmill for my normal morning exercise, I opted for a nice little hour of day-off rest. Krist woke me up around 9 and lounged around making plans for the day. Krist planned on going to work for an hour or so, then taking Finley to the doctor. The plan was for me to take the kids to lunch while Krist worked, race back to pick up Kristen and get Finley home for a nap, then back to the doctor's office.

In the end, Krist moved her work to tomorrow and we all went to lunch together at Chick-Fil-A. (I didn't go w/ the no-pickles/with cheese this go around and it was still good.) After lunch, we came home and tried to get Finley a quick nap.

While she slept, Jonah wanted to go on an adventure so we went on a little hike through the woods beside our house. We fought through briars and brush to explore the baseball field across the way, then headed home.

Once home, Jonah threw a bit of a fit, got "disciplined," then Krist and Finley left for the doctor's office. While they were gone, Jonah and I played some GameCube and lounged around.

Kristen and Finley got home a little after four and we headed back into town. We picked up my paycheck and headed to the bank then over to see Kristen's dad. We headed back home. Finley was super tired from her doctor's visit. We fed 'em, bathed 'em and then sent them to bed. Of course, I fell asleep beside Jonah in his bed and finally stumbled downstairs after Kristen woke me up.

Put my shoes on and got ready to head back to the church to do a video for Sunday morning. Work from about 9:30-midnight on the video. Went home, ate something, went to bed.