Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another Demographic...

In the past, I've tried to be very honest about my video gaming.

With regard to my video game skills, I have maintained two points:

1. I like playing video games.
2. I'm really quite bad at them.

But I'm having a problem, and I dare say it's a common situation facing many other married-men-with-children-in-their-30s-and-above.

Games are just too hard.

I wish all these game manufacturers would realize that there are a lot of us that simply like to play a game every once in awhile. We don't want to spend a week trying to figure out how to hack into the missile guidance system on a submarine. We don't want to have to do try levels over and over and over again just to get to an even harder checkpoint.

I want games that are easy. Games that I can pop in and play through and not have to restart again and again. I'm sure that teenagers and college students enjoy this - these marathon sessions wherein they toil without food, sleep or proper hygeine just to complete the basic levels of the game, but I don't have the time or the energy. I just wanna' blow some stuff up, okay?

I don't mind a game getting harder...but can't it get harder slower? And can't it get harder, you know, easier?

I'm telling you - games could make even MORE money by targeting dudes like me - guys who like games and will pay for them as long as they are fun and don't encompass my entire existence.

Who's with me?
Who doesn't care?
Who thinks I'm a giant whiner?


Jeff said...


Romack said...

How can a blind kid like me kick major tail on Splinter Cell?

Todd Wright said...

That's not Splinter Cell, Justin.

That's a Sesame Street game your mom bought two years ago. We just keep telling you its the latest and greatest spy game.

Michael James said...

you're getting old todd...

Todd Wright said...

Yes, Michael! That's exactly the point I'm trying to make!

Why aren't these companies making games for old dudes like me?

Unknown said...

nintendo wii

Todd Wright said...

I got a Wii. And "Call of Duty" is still too hard.

Kaity said...

i think i fall between I dont give a rip and you are a whiner...

Michael James said...

maybe you should try a different type of game. have you thought about role-playing games? those are pretty easy. World of Warcraft lets you go at your own pace and you get to kill stuff. Just a thought.

Angela said...

RPGs are fun, but I think they still require a lot of time...that is, if you actually want to progress in the game.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

Pong? That one can get pretty tricky too though...