Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Next On The Chopping Block - CHRISTIAN RADIO!

This is Brian Littrell. He used to sing for the Backstreet Boys and now he's a solo artist in the Christian music industry. I don't know much about him - he sings very well, and, from everything I've seen, seems to be a pretty devout dude.

The only problem is this - his new songs sound like a straight-up love songs.

Think somebody dug into the Backstreet Boys demo pile to stock this new album? Huh?


Johnny! said...

Are they worship songs or songs about his girl?

Todd Wright said...

I can't tell. I think they're love songs to Jesus.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

if he is just snagging old BSB songs he might get away with the "deeper meaning" approach. "Yeah it was a song about a girl, but it's ALSO about my love for Jesus". Song of Solomon anyone?

Johnny! said...

'Specially since most people think Jesus loves them in the way that they love their girl.