Wednesday, June 04, 2008

You Guys Are Smart...

You're intelligent, open-minded, fair people...

So I'll ask you this...

What do you think?

Should America start digging into its oil reserves?

Lots of folks, lots of opinions. Where do you stand?


Johnny! said...

Shale oil production should have started years ago. We should have started tapping the offshore fields yesterday. We have enough to meet our own needs.

At the same time, we ought to be developing the alternatives of tomorrow. And we are, but more effort needs to be put into it.

Johnny! said...

Oh, and we ought to be building nuclear power plants like crazy.

Clay said...

well, todd...technically it would not be called reserves simply because that implies we have it in barrels somewhere. assuming you are asking if we should drill into our vast, huge, colossal, supply of oil...heck yes...and now!

Jeff said...


Todd Wright said...

I apologize, Clay.

I will open blogger immediately and change what I've written because...

Oh, wait a second. No, I won't.

Because you're a jerk.

Jeff said...

China and India are drilling in the Gulf as we speak..or type..whatever. It is just dumb that we are not using what we have.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

Yes -- for all the reasons mentioned above.

By the time we run out of oil we should have figured out the next big energy thing. If we haven't then our country deserves to fall apart and be bought out by China.

Artie said...

OK, my thoughts on this... I already said something like this over on oldfart's blog.

We lock up the oil in ANWR and the politicians make the environmentalists happy with a simple unthoughtful BAN on developing our energy reserves.. for you clay.. anyway they pander to the environmentalists, keep the price of oil=fuel=energy artificially high and we have unbelievable profits by oil companies and OPEC gets to play games with us at the same time. (Is it still called OPEC??) So the politicians keep the fat cat oil bosses happy too. Win win for the politicians.

Yeah..we drill dude.. but will it happen? Not without a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth by all involved. And as johnny and others said develop the green alternatives while we have the middle east backed off and we're using our own oil.

Also, in case you guys didn't know but oil field business is good for everyone else too. Metal things and rubber things all need to be made and those oil field people want it now so forges and metalworks get busy as well as tire and automotive business. People go to work and make money and buy other things like video games and cars and guitars instead of some sheik building a mile high building or whatever.. just my random ramblings...

Unknown said...

First off, we need to distinguish between "reserves" as the oil we have on hand that has already been drilled and is available and stockpiled and the untapped potential oil that is under our feet. Two different things.

Now, here's the part you are all missing...

Yes, we need to be finding ways of eradicating our dependence on foreign oil - by advancing green technology and by using our own resources (and Canada's) in ways that aren't detrimental to the environment.

However, we should NOT dip into our reserves. Because when the U.S. does this, it has an adverse effort on the world. Everyone else in the world thinks that we must know something more than they do, so they jack up their prices even more. Instead of relieving the burden of high prices, it makes them worse...