Saturday, December 08, 2007

Under The Sun

A few days ago, in the parking lot of Target, I saw a teenager girl heading in with a bag bearing the insignia of a band called Green Day.

As many of you know, Green Day did very well with their 2004 album, "American Idiot."

What I find fascinating is that this band is still being embraced by students when they actually broke onto the mainstream music scene when I was in high school. (What's more...they were already moderately successful as an indie band even before that!)

Do all of these kids toting around bags or wearing t-shirts or going to concerts have any idea that they're actually listening to old men?

Regardless of your opinion on their abilities (and I'm sure you ALL have opinions,) I think it's fair to acknowledge the fact that these three dudes have done a pretty good job of fooling teenagers into believing that Green Day is "one of them."

Sure, the hardcore fans will know the bands' history, but in days where pop music is starting to resemble sports (careers being over by the age of 30,) Green Day is hanging in there. Maybe they're really "indie" after all.


Johnny! said...

I had to play that "Do you have the time?" song back in my bar band days.

Re: your post, here's some lines from Porcupine Tree:
"The music of rebellion makes you wanna rage
But it's made by millionaires who are nearly twice your age."

Todd Wright said...

Nice lyric....I must hear this Porcuine Tree you speak so highly of.