Monday, October 22, 2007

Revival, Day One

As much as I'd love to a confessional for every day of the revival, the addition of moving this week is really messing all the important stuff like playing video games and making stupid videos.

However, if you're just dying to know how the Colmesniel gig went, I will be happy to share.

Things started off a bit weird yesterday around 12:30 or so. After our big Homecoming Service, we had a church-wide meal. While there, I ran up to the sound room to turn on a microphone. After I got the system on, I got on the computer upstairs to check email where I found an email from the Pastor from the revival telling me that bringing a full band might not work. He loves music and loves it when I bring the whole band, but he felt that the people for this particular service might be too distracted by the full band.

I immediately got on the phone to try to contact my band to tell them things might be changing. I finally got the pastor on the phone around 1, and we talked about a plan B. I eneded up cancelling my drummer and keyboard player and moved my bass guy to acoustic.

Chris and I showed up at around 5 and started plugging in and getting projection setup. Here's what we played:
Revive Us Again
All Hail The Power of Jesus' Name
Stir Up A Hunger
I Am Glad
Jesus Paid It All

It was a really good night. Chris did a fantastic job on 2nd acoustic. He ran direct with H20 pedal which gave us some nice chorus and delay stuff. The sound system was also pretty good with bass tones...Chris almost sounded like a bass guitar in a couple of places.

The folks dug the hymns and tried to sing along on the new stuff. Sermon was good and there was a definite sense of reverence all through the night. Afterward, we were treated to a meal at the Texas Star Cafe which was very very very very very good.

We're back tonight for Day Two. Meanwhile, it's moving week, so I gotta' get workin'!


Robert Conn said...

Todd, do you realize that you will now be approx. 18 minutes closer to Sanger?

That will reflect in your travel expenses come January.