Friday, July 06, 2007

Yes, I am fully prepared to be made fun of, but I don't care.
Bon Jovi's new record is fantastic.

Okay, let me have it...


rk said...

I got no problem with it dude. I am unapologetically supportive. go on, give love a bad name.

Romack said...

Well, thanks Ross. I was going to follow my comment up with "have a nice day"...not anymore.

Forrest said...

You and ross king are both lame...

very, very lame...

Todd Wright said...
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Todd Wright said...

You may be very surprised at the electric guitar tracks when the CD comes out, my friend.

(Ross, you still got the number of that ACTUAL studio guitarist?)

What do Ross King and I know, right, everybody? I mean we're just renowned songwriters and worship leaders who are able to do the thing we love and still spend plenty of time with our friends and family instead of schlepping all over the country sleeping in a van and playing outside all summer. Forrest's life is SO much better than ours.

Probably doesn't matter to Forrest, though, because he can't keep friends and 4/5 of his family is evil incarnate.

Johnny! said...

People mock 'em, but JBJ can sing his face off and Ritchie is a fantastic guitarist.

Not my cuppa, but man did I love their first record when I was a kid.

...and that's a memory to which I'll Never Say Goodbye.

Forrest said...


I checked with belmont and they said it's not ok to like an old man who once could "sing his face off"...

and i don't know what you're talking about - my entire family is evil incarnate

Robert Conn said...

(minus the 90s) All of Bon Jovi's stuff rocks!

Unknown said...

I dig them, see you are not alone after all!

Johnny! said...

"I checked with belmont and they said it's not ok to like an old man who once could "sing his face off"..."

So Bono's out, then?


Forrest said...

Bono was never in...

Danielle said... you know I'm normally very far behind on the I posted a comment on one of your worship video's...but it was like so long ago I don't think you were even reading it anymore...just wanted to say it again...make sure you got it...You are very amazing Todd. I am completely awed every time I hear you. Your songwriting abilities are unbelievable. Not to mention the sheer singing and playing ability. I wish I had one tenth of what you have! Is it wrong of me to go to First Methodist just to sit under your worship leadership? hmm...