Friday, July 13, 2007

Tracking 2nd Day

Chris and I got to the studio around 10am and geared up to finish final acoustics. Par for the course, it took me about an hour to get my hands to work. We started with "Part of Your Story," which isn't a difficult song, but gave me fits on tempo.

Then we tackled "You Gave Sight," which has turned into something way cooler and way different than I ever played it. Because of this, it was almost like playing it for the first time. Again, tempo problems, but Ross and Keith at the MixLab will turn on their giant SOUND GOOD MACHINE and make me sound like a good acoustic player. Like, Chris Tomlin good.

Third, we did "Search and Know," which is has become even bigger and better than I imagined it. We went to lunch, I complained about how bad I did with the click, Ross busted my chops and told me to stop whining, we came back to the studio and tracked "Beautiful." And it was.

Were we done? NO! Then it was off to the vocal booth for final vocals! Here's what we did:
1. I Am Glad
2. My Lips Will Sing
3. All The Free
4. Part of Your Story
5. Align
6. Glorify

I've decided make a 1-day trip next week to hopefully finish vocals so that the tracks will be ready for Krist when we go in two weeks.

After we were done, Keith tells me that I look like his dad, who happened to be in the other room. Keith introduced me to his dad. Then he took a picture of us. It was weird.

It has been a strange combination of fun and stress these past two days. One benefit is that the band backing up these songs has created some really memorable musical moments. My little guitar will sit somewhere in the mix, but they are the dudes who make it rock. I can't wait for you guys to hear this record.

Jason says the links at the bottom of my list aren't working? They work for me - do they work for you?


Romack said...

One time someone told me I looked like the kid off of "Boy Meets World"....maybe he looks like me!

Sounds like you got a lot done...I am more than excited to hear the record now.