Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Tuesday

Kristen's mom was scheduled for a post-operative checkup from her eye surgery last week. (Read: removing stitches.) So, I took the day off so that Krist could drive to Houston with her mom.

Woke up around 6:30 and we all started getting ready. By 7 or so, everybody was dressed and ready for breakfast. Krist's mom got there about 7:20 with donuts! Breakfast problem solved. Krist and "Sugar," my mother-in-law left and I finished getting the kids ready.

We headed out around 8. I called my grandparents to schedule a visit, but they were both busy with gardening and mowing, so decided to hit the park. A few days ago, the family and me cruised over to this old park in town called "Kit McConnico Park." It used be really nasty, but the city has been putting in a lot of work. When we saw it a few days ago, it was pretty rainy, so Jonah couldn't test it out.

As we're driving to the park, I wonder if maybe it's not open yet. (It's gated.) I see a weird little orange SUV up ahead of us pulling in. For some reason, as soon as they pull into the park, they speed up and leave us behind. No big deal, right. So they're long gone and we finally pull into this large park complex - big open field, baseball diamonds, playground, parking, etc. I see the little orange SUV way ahead of us pulling into a spot in front of the playground. Other than the people in the orange ride, the only occupants at the park were maintenance guys mowing and cleaning up. I assume this SUV is some more kids who want to play at the park, but as I get closer to the playground section, they immediately turn around to leave. As they pass us, I see it's a teenage boy and girl who look very disappointed with me. I guess they were planning on a little "alone time" at this secluded park back in the woods. MORALS: 1 SEXUAL IMPURITY: 0!

We played at the park, which was fun, but Finley was a bit hard to manage. She wanted to climb on everything, of course, but could only play on about half of the stuff.

After the playground, we piled in the car and headed to surprise the grandparents who, according to the previous phone call, should have been through with their work by now. We show up to a very surprised Granny who almost immediately says, "Y'all are staying for lunch." Of course, in Grandma-Land this is okay, because they eat lunch at 11am. We all played and Granny fixed grilled chicken and corn and fried "okry" for everybody. Eventually Grandpa came home. When all was said and done, it was 12:10, Finley was exhausted and the Wrights were headed back home.

Finley fell asleep in the car, Jonah took a "movie-nap" and rather than use this time for picking up around the house, Dad opted for a tiny little nap time on the couch himself. Finley woke up around 1:30, so we all got up and had ice cream. Ha! (What a life I lead!)

Krist got home around 3pm, at which time our house was 104 degrees. So we piled in the car and went to Sonic. We swung over to Target for milk, bread and Pop Tarts. The essentials, you know?

Krist headed off to work for a couple of hours while I made dinner - pork chops, crescent rolls, English peas for the baby. Yeah, I cooked it. It was delicious. Bathed the kids, read the books, gave the kisses, brushed the teeth and said the prayers. Krist got home just as Jonah laid down. I checked email and blogged some, then headed off for my 8pm guitar lesson. Got home at 9 and debated between going up to church or exercising. Neither won.


jaybrams said...

I was starting to think the little Orange SUV was hitmen from your previous life when you used to be a hitman yourself and they were there to settle an old score. The way you just started to walk up to them like that... "to see if they wanted to play"... i'm sure...

But i guess morality winning over sexual impurity is a good story line too.

blake stewart said...

my car is yellow not orange, and thanks for ruining my only shot in a long time...