Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bad boys...

I love COPS. (You know, it's filmed with the real men and women of law enforcement.)
But here's what I don't get - why do I have to hear every story four times.
Here's how it goes down.
Cop is driving down street. We hear dispatch come over the radio with something like, "Domestic disturbance call, man with knife in the 1600 block of Jameson Boulevard." Along with this, we see a graphic at the bottom of the screen that reads: "Domestic Disturbance."

Cop turns on lights and flies down highway. As he drives, he talks:
"Okay, uh, we're headed to a domestic disturbance call. Apparently, there's a man with a knife, so we're gonna' go check it out."

The cops show up and either A) Calm the situation down, realize it's all a big misunderstanding B) Quietly take the man into custody or C) Chase him down, beat him to a pulp and sling him in the backseat

Other cops gather around, usually with some sort of supervisor or Captain/Lt./Commander/etc. At this point, "our cop" recounts everything that's just happened, maybe with few additional details.
"I showed up and I says, 'Hey, man,' and then he bolts! We chase him down and apparently, he and the wife got into it tonight over the tax check. But, he's off the streets tonight."

The cop recounts AGAIN everything we've seen as he drives away from the scene:
"Call came in about 9:15 regarding a subject in possession of a knife. We were close to the scene, so we approached the subject. Hate that it happened that way tonight, but...he....he needed to be in jail tonight."

Anybody else ever noticed this? I think it has now ruined COPS for me. I can't watch it now because it drives me crazy!


blake stewart said...

Dude, that's how it goes down. What you do want it to be like? Sure let's let the writers of the Real World write the show and then maybe it'll get good... < /sarcasm>

Todd Wright said...

They could edit at least one or two versions out of the story. Kill the dispatch call and just let the cop setup as they drive to the scene.

It's always funny to me when the cop with the camera crew gets to the scene after somebody else and he has to try to get all up in the drama for the sake of the camera. It's kinda' sad.

Todd Wright said...

Oh, and thanks for letting me know you were using sarcasm. I had no idea.

Robert Conn said...

What bugs me is the (1 showing only). I mean if a cop gets a good punch to the face, or a car wrecks, or the girl gets her teeth knocked out on camera... I only get one shot to see it. No rewind, no slow-mo, nothing. Next thing I know I am mad at the tv cause I missed the perp getting tackled by the dog.

Show me some instant replays COPS!

Rachel said...

I really dislike the show. I don't like the fact that the cop always tells me what happened after I already saw the bust. Why retell what I just saw. Do they think that the American public is so dumb that we can't figure out what happened from just watching it? Not a fan of the commentary.

Todd Wright said...

Did Rachel read the post? 'Cause, that's, uh, kinda' what I already said, I think.

Rachel said...

I thought you meant that every show was the same, not the comments.