Thanks to Rhapsody, I've been slowly working my way through these records. Anybody heard any of like? Give me your thoughts.
And please, no "I've never heard of them" comments. That just makes you sound lame. (Be the strong, silent type.)
Todd Wright listening to a Derek Webb album....oh my!!!
I've been wanting to check out the Kings of Leon CD, but haven't gotten around to it. I don't use Rhapsody, so I can't do that. And I've just been kinda sitting back and waiting on the Derek Webb....waiting for the moment to jump in.
On the other hand...check out my blog for my new music.
Got the Webb CD 2 weeks before release off of his website. I did "This too shall be made right" for the youth as our focus has been the Genesis 12 convenant with Abraham relating to I will bless you and you will be a blessing to the world. As with mockingbird this CD is very challenging to your daily walk... OK your saved, so now what... I'll be strong and silent regarding the others...
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