Friday, May 25, 2007

My Friday...

Jonah woke up at 5. Thursday was his last day of school and it was "water day," so he was exhausted, which, for him, usually means he doesn't sleep very well. (It's strange, I know.) Anyway, Kristen jabs me in the ribs at 5 because he's calling us. Now, Krist is usually way better at these early-morning go-back-to-sleep conversations, but something was telling me I just go. That "something" was Kristen's elbow in my ribs. Jonah calms down, then wakes back up about twenty minutes later. This time, Krist gets up and goes in to help him fall back asleep.

Finley woke up at 7. I get her, change her diaper, get her cup of milk and we lounge around the living room. She was abnormally grumpy so I was trying everything to keep her from whining and waking up Jonah and Kristen. He woke up at 10 'til 8.

Woke Kristen up, passed off the baby and jumped in the bed for an hour of sleep myself. (I love Friday!) Slept until 9 and woke up to the soft sounds of Jonah essentially calling Kristen a liar and then getting in trouble. Came into the living room, sat around with the kids. Once I got a few minutes, got on the computer to listen to another track Ross sent. (I won't brag any more on the record, don't worry.)

Headed outside at around 10:30 to weedeat and mow, but had to do the backyard first since Finley was laying down. Worked for about thirty minutes, then realized the lawnmower was running way low on oil. Jonah was getting bored outside, so I paused the project and we came in for lunch. Jonah made himself a marshmallow sandwich. He said it was good. Somewhere during lunch, the idea of Rice Krispie Treats came up. Fifteen minutes later, we had delicious, gooey goodness from the able hands of Mrs. Wright.

Jonah and I played some video games while Krist cleaned up. Finley woke up from her nap and ate while we kept picking up around the house. We all got dressed to head into town to pick up some stuff. (Oil for the mower, vacation supplies, cheap gasoline.)

While at Wal-Mart, Krist called her parents and we spent about half-an-hour over at their house with them. Afterward, we went and got a pizza. Came home, ate, bathed the kids and put Finley down early. (She missed her second nap.) Krist left at 7pm with her parents to head to her cousin's high school graduation.

Jonah ate more pizza and watched Transformers for a while before storytime and teeth-brushing. He finally went to bed and I cleaned up around the house.