Williford's power of persuavsion is strong...but resist. You will regret it.
In all seriousness, I would probably go with Mac too, it's just the whole vision thing. With all the production I anticipate that I will be doing, the Mac seems like the most logical choice. They also seem to be pretty pricey too. But, if your are doing video and audio production, a Mac can't be beat.
find out how to make it so blind people can use it and then i will be hooked.
i was going to mention this earlier...how can you NOT have a Mac? you are a worship leader. haha. i love mine so much i have two. do it do it.
Williford's power of persuavsion is strong...but resist. You will regret it.
In all seriousness, I would probably go with Mac too, it's just the whole vision thing. With all the production I anticipate that I will be doing, the Mac seems like the most logical choice. They also seem to be pretty pricey too. But, if your are doing video and audio production, a Mac can't be beat.
I hate macs
look into my eyes....oh wait don't...thats weird.
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