Saturday, April 28, 2007


I got to the studio a little after 9am. Ross had mentioned that the drummer would be arriving then and that we would probably truly start recording at around 9:30am. I told him that since this was my first record, I wanted to be at everything, so I planned on arriving when they did.

I beat Ross to the studio by about two minutes and the drummer showed up not long after that. John Simmons lives in Katy and is a drum teacher. He also plays drums with the Smith Band and also works with Frank Hart of FeverDream Records. (How 'bout that, Jinx? Small world, huh?) John has played stages all over the place and is extremely creative, especially with regard to percussion instruments from all over the world. (How 'bout that, Rob?)

Soon after that, Brady Redwine showed up. Brady is a grad student at A&M and has been Ross' go-to guy for quite some time. Brady plays bass, keys, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, spoons, digeridoo and the hurdy-gurdy. Sorry. Brady doesn't play all of those things. But he plays a lot of them.

Keith Sewell, the co-owner of the studio, was around, helping plug stuff in and I started getting charts ready. Ross got ProTools up and running, I strapped on my guitar, Keith fired up the click track and off I went.

I recorded scratch acoustic and vocal for "My Lips Will Sing" while John and Brady listened and looked through the chart. When I was done, John and Brady plugged up and starting tracking with the scratch. They played through once, we talked about some things, then they took a couple more takes. At that point, Ross decided to start doing more scratches at a time, so I laid down 3 or 4 songs, then John and Brady jumped in. This was a fun process - arranging the song, assessing what John and Brady were doing (brilliant) and refining builds, drops and song orders to an extent.

After a few more songs, we went to lunch. We ate quick, then sped back to the studio for more work. Brady and John finished tracking, then made a Starbucks run while I did more tunes. They came back and worked until around 5. We debated taking a meal break and then coming back, but we were all pretty beat and decided to tackle it Friday morning. John and I went and checked in at the hotel, then met Ross and his family for supper. After a nice, long meal, headed back to the hotel to eat candy and watch TV.