Saturday, March 10, 2007

Super Hero Shootout

Who would win in a fight? Captain America, Wolverine, or Ghost Rider?


Michael James said...

I would have to go with wolverine in this one. The fact that he has the ability to heal himself was my deciding factor. Plus, out of the three, he's got the most attitude and tenacity. I really don't think he would have that much of a problem.

Amy said...

This is based on no knowledge of the skills of these three whatsoever. But, I say wolverine. Ghost Rider seems silly to me. Captain America seems to nice and friendly. And, he's about to be killed off. I think Wolverine would tear them up.

Rachel said...

I would definitely say wolverine. I also have no knowledge of his skill, but I do know that wolves travel in packs. So, if he actually begins losing, some of his friends are probably waiting around the corner to tag team him.

Robert Conn said...

I say Ghost Rider... cause once Captain America and Wolverine find out that Ghostrider's part was played in a movie by Nicolas Cage they will be laughing so hard that Ghost Rider could just run them down.

Lamar The Revenger said...

Back in my Marvel days I would've said Wolverine. Now I'm DC with some transformers thrown in for fun. I would say Captain America just because Marvel killed a true symbol for America.