Friday, March 09, 2007

I think I finally got a bead on the song I'm writing for Robert's DNOW in April. Originally, I was working on another thing that was a little more specifically built on the idea of "Overflow," but it kept feeling really contrived and, well . . . .stupid.
So, instead, I pulled up another one I've been messing with for a couple of months called "And Higher." Not only is this tune a bit more formed than the previously mentioned song, I thought the overall direction of the song would be a better fit.
Essentially, the song examines the idea that as we seek God, we see more clearly how amazing it is that He loves us. It's as if the more truth we know about God, then the more truth we realize about ourselves. In my life, these sort of clear moments always push the actual physical expression of my worship. I'll be honest with you - I love singing, clapping and lifting my hands in worship. But I'm not a shouter necessarily. I'm not a dancer or a bower (bow-er?) But in these times where I'm struck with the full (or fuller) measure of how miraculous it is that God hasn't vaporized me, my worship goes beyond the comfort zone. Suddenly, I'm worshipping sincerely in new ways because I am, like David, becoming undignified.
The song is simple, and it truth, it's more responsive. The song doesn't get hyper-theological, but rather provides a pretty simple musical response to what I'm believing God is going to do in this event. I believing that God is going to mightily anoint this time in Sanger and that kids are come to knowledge of God and His worth.
And now, here's an mp3 of the song. Just kidding. I'm still making sure it rocks enough. But I'd love to know your thoughts on this issue.
Should I be rolling into Sanger with a song that asks people to sing something like...
"God, the way I worship is a million years from matching up with how great this salvation thing is!"?
Just think...if you say something really profound, it might end up in the song. (But don't expect a cut from CCLI or anything.)


Danielle said...

it sounds really great Todd. I hope you do post an mp3 I would really love to hear it.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

a verse from one of my new fav worship songs "the more I seek You the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love You."

I love the idea that I can wake up in the morning, seek Him and know Him just a little bit more - everyday.

ditto on the mp3 post - and chord charts please

Susie Moore said...

Yes you would have seen a picture of my tattoo in an ad for the family friendly tattoo parlor called The Boneyard. I kind of feel like I have a famous foot now. And I think its great the you are taking the family there... its great family fun.

Robert Conn said...

No Todd No! I wanted "Overflow"! Dangit, you give the man a simple task and he ruins it. What am I going to do with you?

Seriously though, I heard these words today, "Man that song 'Part of Your Story' changed my life".

No lie!