Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sunday's Set
All I Want To Do (Heaslip)
For Your Name (Packiam)
Love Me Like You Do (Keller)
There Is None Like You (LeBlanc)
You Deserve the Glory (Unknown)

Pretty good day. Tiny crowd but music went alright. Band did a great job on "Love Me," but I rushed "There Is None Like You." Also going from G to F could have been done better. Out of "For Your Name," I should have let Mark do the percussion intro while the F decayed. Oh well...lesson learned.

Sermon was okay. MediaShout V3 did great on the mpeg video, so that was nice.

Otherwise, the church is kicking my tail. I've got to get the youth band up and running quick, have tons of volunteer scheduling to do plus all the regular weekly stuff. I'm getting loaded down here. They better start talking full-time quick.


Todd Wright said...

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Robert Conn said...

turn the word verification thingy on... It adds another step but cuts out all the spamers.

Romack said...
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