Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sorry, gang. Since the OSM laptop crashed, I've been unable to blog. So whatever time I've had at a computer has been spent updating setlists and getting stuff done on worshipnotes. (Little tip - September issue is going to be really cool.) October ain't looking too shabby either.

Aaron Keyes was in this week during the Refuel Conference, so I couldn't have practice. I did enjoy hanging out with him. He's a great leader and teacher. Wednesday night, I found out that his ministry is about to really grow and expand and that excites me. It's great to see God blessing guys who are passionate about serving the local church.

Of course, our stage is a mess; I freaked out our projection layout running Aaron's Mac through the system(Mac's Pro Presenter program is pretty amazing;) Aaron's drummer destroyed Mark Saldana's floor tom; I've got to rehearse at 8 Sunday morning and plug two seperate videos into the order of worship.

I've been on vacation this week, which has been good for me, but I keep getting overwhelmed by the workload at the church and through worshipnotes. I also am really passionate about writing/recording these demos and passing them on...

Anyway, that's all I got for now! I'll post my comments on the set Sunday afternoon. Later!


Todd Wright said...

We use MediaShout 2.5. (Just bought the V3, though.) I love the "Option click" in Pro Presenter that pulls up every song. Plus the background change thumbnail is really nice...more user friendly for folks who would otherwise be completely freaked out by MediaShout.