Thursday, July 14, 2005

Woke up. Walked. Showered. Worked. Ate at Granny's. Too much.

Worked more. Went home. Went to Golden Corrall. Ate. Too much.

Came home. Showered. Sped to practice. Practiced. With no drums. Went great. Done by 9. Had a singer walk out mad. Tried to call her. Left a voice mail.

Went home. Prepared for another day.


Robert Conn said...

How long do you get for lunch Todd? Every one of your blogs goes something like this...

worked the morning shift... then left for lunch. Changed the alternator on old blue, caught the last half of Lonesome Dove, took a siesta, mowed the back 40, killed and cooked a turkey for a light snack, then went back to work for a slow afternoon.

You have like the longest lunch in the universe!