Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ice Cream Is A Beautiful Thing

Woke up at 7:15. Ironed, showered, kissed my family and hit the door. Some sales guy brought kaloches to work. Excellent.

Grabbed a Burger King kids meal for lunch. (Free Star Wars figure for Jonah, you see.) Went to the church, turned in the Wal Mart credit card, went over to the WC, checked email.

Got two wn emails - one from Casey Corum, Vineyard worship guy. I'm hoping he can put me in touch w/ Zaffiro for our electric guitar issue. Second email was from a church in Malaysia that just did a worship CD. I found their site and listend. It's good.

Put all the songs in the projection, formatted Mike's powerpoint text, input a new song in the database. It's called "Remind Us." I'm really afraid it's going to suck on Sunday, but it works great with our theme. How's that for mixed emotions?

Grabbed my Roland from the sound room to take home for K's vocals, and headed back to work.

Home at 5...bacon and eggs for supper, then outside to play with Jonah. We drove over to borrow a weed-eater from my grandpa (the yard is ridiculous,) and managed to stop by Sonic on the way home. Simple Ice cream cone - no frills, no toppings, no mixins, just the same thing my daddy ate and his daddy before him. Sounds like a Twila Paris song. "Seventy years ago!"

Put Jonah in the bed and his nightlight went out. He totally freaked and stayed up a good while talking and continually asking me to come lay beside him.


Robert Conn said...

Be nice to the salesmen Todd...They need lovin' too.