Thursday, June 30, 2005

Content...I think

I feel bad for not blogging lately. There is much to tell, but just no time! This has been a nice break from my normal pace. We're having a combined service this Sunday, so I haven't had to coordinate any rehearsals. However, I have been asked to "lead the singing."

Note to worship leaders: if you're asked to "lead the singing," run. Run far far away.

I am growing excited at Mike's vision for the service. He and I have been talking about me coming on full-time, and for the first time since I've been here, I'm seriously considering it. That's a big step for me - I guess shows just how Mike and I connect in our vision.

I haven't recorded much lately. I'm going to try to grab some live Sunday morning stuff just to see if it can be done consistently. "Glorify" and "You Gave Sight" need to be finished, but you know, I'm kinda' enjoying devoting my thoughts, prayers and fingers to Sundays. It's kinda' nice to go bed before 11 at night, you know?

I'll try to get a bit more consistent with updating this thing. I miss it.