Saturday, April 16, 2005

Days Like This for Guys Like Me

I wonder if my dad ever had days like this. Days where I'm going outside to mow the yard and there's a cool breeze and the perfect amount of sunshine. Days where the neighbor kids ride their bikes slowly up and down the street and eat popsicles. Days where people roll down the windows in the car and drive to their location at about 30 miles and hour.

I think days like this are good for guys like me. Guys like me tend to dream big. We're often too busy imaginging up the next new song or video or story to appreciate such "temporal" things as kids on bikes and summer days and grape popsicles. We get too busy thinking about Leonard Sweet or John Elderidge or C.S. Lewis or Chesterton or Springsteen or David Crowder. We get too busy playing out every second of the next big project - whether it's leading a worship service, teaching a class or meeting a new co-worker.

We spend hours on hours at our jobs (enjoying it, hopefully) with the goal in mind - get through the day.
Guys like me who lead worship or preach or work at a school or manage an office go to the job so we can finish the job. When we finish the job - ah, what a sense of completion. We head home with the sense of a job well done, to spend time with our family and relax. Then we get home and spend our reclining hours thinking about the next day.

But not today. Today I stepped outside and thought,
"This is enough."

This neighborhood, this town, this place where God has me - for however long He wants - is enough.