Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Time for another shoutout!

This edition is dedicated to my friend, Ross King. As many of you know, Ross produced All The Freed. Not only was the entire process a real education for me in the realm of professional music was also a great opportunity to get to know a really great guy who doesn't get near enough credit for how good he is.

So, here are a few reasons why Ross gets mad props!
1. He's an encourager and a truth-speaker. That might seem like a contradiction, but it's not. Mr. King is a straight shooter, and while that might sting a little from time-to-time, he speaks in humility and love. He's probably one of the best, most sincere encouragers I've ever come across.

2. He's funny. Really funny. As in, "please write a book, Ross" kind of funny. He's got a never ending supply of one-liners that are almost always gold. (And even when they're not, they're still pretty good.)

3. He's unassuming. Most songwriters and singers are really pretty vocal about what they're doing. (Hey, I wrote two songs last night and they're really great or You know, I'm pretty confident with what I'm writing these days.) But not Ross. You ask him what he's working on and he'll shrug and say "Not much really." Then he'll pick up a guitar and play you a demo that is songwriting genius and after it's done, he'll shrug again and say something like, "I don't know. I might change it. It's not done yet."

4. He knows what's wrong with worship culture. Some don't agree with me on this, but I think there's a lot wrong about the worship music industry. I don't think it's pure evil, but I think we could be doing it a lot better and smarter. And Ross knows what we can do. He possesses a real gift in diagnosing problems within the "industry" and supplying great ways to fix those problems. I think he's got a true prophetic anointing in this regard.

5. He's a great producer. As much as it pains me to say it, almost every amazing thing on my record is Ross' idea. Seriously, when folks tell me they love "You Gave Sight" or the feel of "The Cross Of Christ" or that amazing intro on "All The Freed," I know in my heart that Ross was the genius behind those ideas. (Okay...Johnny and Brady provided the genius behind the "All The Freed" intro.) I know that all that credit goes to Ross. I go ahead and take the credit myself and completely omit any reference to Ross, though, because that's what he would want. You know, since he's an encourager and all.

6. He's a fantastic husband and father. A lot of guys say that about their friends, but Ross is the real deal. So the next time he blogs that he'd rather spend time at home with his family than play gigs or make records, you should believe him.
So here's to you, Ross! You've been propped! Thanks for your friendship and support. I'm honored to call you my friend and I pray in complete agreement with every blessing that God has in store for you and yours!

For more info on Ross or to buy his music, check out: