Friday, February 18, 2011


SATURDAY, 2/12/11
I normally don't run two days in a row, but since I ate the biggest cheeseburger known to man on Friday night (as well as a huge giant wonderful chocolatey dessert), I figured every little bit helps.

Went to the ROC again and didn't run the hilly part. In retrospect, I think I should have done the hills because I would have had that nice downhill speed! Dang it!

Did two miles just under twenty minutes. Was hoping for something closer to my my 18:30 Friday run, but it just wasn't happening. I've decided my best time for outdoor running is definitely morning before I've eaten anything. This Saturday run was a late afternoon workout so I was on a bit of a full stomach. This week, gonna' try the three miles outdoors. Up my game a little.

MONDAY, 2/14/11

Three miles. I did three miles at the ROC on Monday afternoon and I felt like a gladiator when I was done! YES! DID IT! What's more is that I did it faster than I thought I would - 27 minutes. As I mentioned last time, I'm starting to appreciate the hills. Not only do they require me to amp up my speed, the downhill run helps a ton. Wasn't enjoying mile #3, but dang it I was glad when I finished.

WEDNESDAY, 2/16/11
Meh. Ran Southern Trail behind the gym, but did NOT get my three miles in. Well, technically I did.

I did two miles at 20 minutes, took a seven minute walk break and then ran another mile. Legs were screaming the whole time. Not sure what was up. Felt sore and exhausted most of the afternoon.

FRIDAY, 2/18/11
Went to the gym and ran on a treadmill I've never used before...which is why I ran for 10 minutes with the incline cranked up to about a thousand. I kept thinking, "Why am I sweating so much?" Ended up doing 2 miles and a lot of walking. Not great, but that makes four runs this week, so that's something!


Liz said...

Way to RUN Todd!

Caleb said...

Awesome week Todd. And 3mi in 27min is fanTAStic. Way to go!