Friday, September 18, 2009

(MINI) BOOK REVIEW: The War of Art

Finished Stephen Pressfield's The War of Art a few days ago and I'm still amazed by it.

This little book is designed to give artists, writers, runners, dieters, business owners and the like a shot of perspective and renewed passion.

It's a quick read, but its effects will last. I'm still processing through some of the stuff. The end of the book gets a little weird w/ some very artistic/New Age stuff, but that doesn't matter. It might sound weird to some, but God really used this book to convict me and to inspire me toward living the type of life that He's built for me.

It's not prosperity-gospel, it's not emergent's an in-the-trenches, brutally honest look at the foolish things that we allow to distract and confuse us.

It's not a book just for creatives - if you believe God's calling you to something substantial and valuable but can't seem to sustain any sort of commitment, this is the book for you.