Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh My...


Anonymous said...

OK... I just googled it and could not find any schools with a chupacabra mascot. Disappointing to say the least.

blake stewart said...

I whole-heartedly believe in the chupacabra. I remember the day the lady shot on in Central. Favorite quote from that article:

"It's ear broked off like a cookie!"

Not making this up.

Todd Wright said...

After seeing this, Kristen immediately started wikipedia searching chupacabras...which then led to other random sites regarding cryptids.

Twenty bucks says she'll have nightmares about these freaks of nature!

david said...

if you'd like to borrow any of the nine seasons of x-files, there are no less than 17 episodes dealing with the chupacabra...
...yes i have all nine seasons
...yes they were on sale
...yes my family is hooked
...yes i'm planning a sermon series i never thought scully was hot