It's a great idea...a nice little encouragement for his friends and family. So, in that same spirit, I figured I'd give some props myself. (Although, I have a cool logo for mine.) I think Clay does his every Tuesay. Not sure if mine will post on a consistent day...might be a bit more random over here!
My first edition of "props" goes to this gal.
It may be a tad predictable to make my wife the first one celebrated on this thing, but hey, I can't always be full of surprises, can I?
Here are a few reasons why I think she's so great.
1. Smart. Seriously, amazingly, almost frighteningly, smart. Usually finds an answer to problems before most folks know there's something wrong.
2. A great mom. I love to watch her raise our kids. She's raising them to be intelligent, respectful little beings. (A hard job, to be sure!)
3. The Voice. Come on...she's still got one of the coolest voices around. I am still listening to All The Freed just to hear how amazing she sounds.
4. Hot.
5. Funny in all kinds of ways. She has a very sharp wit, but also a silly side that only I get to see.
6. She knows me completely...and loves me anyway.
7. She's the one I was meant to be with. I have no doubt of that. I believe she's the absolute perfect one God had in mind for me.
8. When I'm out of line, she calls me on it.
9. When I'm rattling off about a dozen different dreams or ideas, she listens and supports me, even though she knows I probably won't do any of them. (Us dreamers need that, because every once in awhile, we actually chase one!)
Totally with you Todd on Kristen's voice. Just today I was listening to All the Freed and was just listening not singing so I could hear Kristen sing. She sounds amazing!!! Of course she's beautiful and smart.
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