Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Under The Sun...

It's no mystery that I read a lot of blogs...

If you read a lot of them, too, you probably read in certain "circles" - in other words, the blogs you read are grouped or linked with other blogs. Maybe they're all from a church, or all fans of a certain thing, or maybe they all live in the same town. Most of us follow at least two or three of these "circles," and it's usually not uncommon for blogs within those circles to center on similar things occasionally.

For example, there's a certain set of blogs that I read that love Mutemath. (And who doesn't...) So, you can guess when Mutemath did that cool backwards-video on Jimmy Kimmel, a lot of those blogs were talking about it or sharing the video.

So the opportunity for duplication is there.

Religious events are common causes of duplicate postings, too, and Easter weekend was one of the most interesting I've seen in awhile.

A few of the blogs I read were really focused on Saturday and I was really surprised to read blogs saying things like "What were the apostles doing on Saturday?" or "What were they feeling?" Questions along the lines of "Were the women already making plans to visit the tomb?" or "Was hope lost?"

The questions themselves didn't surprise me, but rather the fact that they were showing up on blogs. I have a theory that bloggers tend to write when things move them - most of us don't write things we've been holding onto for years; we write when stuff hits us. And I found it interesting that a few of my "blog friends" were moved at this thought.

There is a part of me that thinks that this Saturday-thinking, this imaging of what happened so many many years ago should be common practice. We shouldn't be shocked to remember Saturday. Shouldn't Easter weekend, and Holy Week (and Lent, for that matter) be that sort of remembering?

I'm not trying to speak ill of anybody who had thoughts like that about Saturday, because I also know that most of the blogs I read are written by people who are sincere and honest and invested in their faith.

I know that many of us bloggers feel that we're writing to an "audience" and we want to encourage them in their journey as disciples....

What are your thoughts?

Do you think Christ-followers have forgotten to think through Saturday? What sort of percentage of believers bring that sort of investment to Easter?

Did YOU think about Saturday?