Friday, November 23, 2007


Finley woke up just before midnight. I was heading to bed, so I picked her up and rocked her for a few minutes until she fell back asleep. Kristen was schedule to get up really early to brave the biggest day in the shopping year, so I hated for her to have to get up.l

Somewhere in between three and four, Finley woke up again, with fever. We know she's not been feeling well, so it wasn't a shock. Kristen got her out of bed while I got some Tylenol. We gave her some juice and the medicine, then I laid on the living room couch while Krist got Finley back to sleep.

Kristen got up early to get ready. Jonah woke up, too, and ended up in bed with me. Then began an hour or so of alternate sleeping/arguing about getting up. Finally, Jonah and I got up around 6:30 I think. While he watched SpongeBob, I slept on the couch. I woke up to the phone ringing at 7:45. Krist was calling to check on Finley and didn't seem pleased at all that I had been sleeping and not checking on our sick daughter.

Finley woke up about ten minutes later. Jonah had secured himself an apple from the kitchen and Finley was in desperate need of her morning cup. After that, I picked up the house a little while the kids played and watched cartoons.

Krist called at 10:30 and asked me to start getting the kids ready. She got back at 11 and we headed to her grandmother's for a leftover Thanksgiving meal along with Kristen's parents. We ate and hung out with family until about 2. We headed home, put Finley down for a nap and Jonah worked a little on the computer. While he did, Krist and I cleaned up a bit, lounged in front of the TV for awhile and tried to get the house more presentable.

My Mom called around 3 and wanted to stop by, so we asked her to stop by a convenience store down the road for some much needed "dairies." (In our house, "dairies" refers to sweets...candy bars, Little Debbie snack cakes, that sort of thing.) Mom showed up with a sack full of dairies and then shortly after my Dad showed up. We watched a little Top Gear on the BBC. (LOVE that show) and then my parents headed home.

Dropped the kids off at my grandparents while Krist and I ran into town to pick up a desk from her parents and return some stuff they had loaned up (drill, bad-t0-the-bone vacuum cleaner, etc.) Got the desk, got home, picked up kids, unloaded desk. Then Kristen made bacon and eggs for supper.

After supper, bathed the kids and then fought for an hour to get them to sleep. It was Finley's first night in a "big-girl" bed, and a very hyper older brother didn't help things out very much. Eventually, Jonah crashed in our bed while Finley finally calmed down once moved back to her previous sleeping arrangements. Krist and I had plans to setup the Christmas tree, but after the two little ones went to sleep we looked up to find in was 9:00. So, I guess that means the tree will get done tomorrow!

Hit the treadmill for a little bit, listened through some upcoming sets and some tracks from the new Steven Curtis record. (Some great, some not.) Grabbed a shower, ate a little bedtime snack and went to bed.

(Oh, am I blogging machine or what?)