Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Best host in late-night?


Jason Fullen said...

I'm gonna say it, even though I think many will disagree. Craig Ferguson is flat hilarious and deserves top spot. I know I know, Letterman is genius, Conan is brilliant, Jimmy is crude and somewhat funny in a dry sort of way, but Ferguson is the little man that came out of last place and has made his way to what I think is funny, funny tv. With that said, I haven't watched more than 5 episodes of any combination of comedians for the last year.

Todd Wright said...

I'll politely disagree with you, my friend.

For me, it's a toss up between Jimmy and Conan. I like Jimmy because he's like the anit-star. He doesn't even write monologues - he just shows video clips. Here's a guy who's mildly funny who's found a way to bring something entirely different to the table. Conan is just a funny dude...very well-read and extremely quick with his wit.

By the way, has anybody noticed that Letterman has totally ripped off Leno's "Headlines" feature? They call it "Small Time News" or something but it's a ripoff nonetheless.

Jeff said...

Conan. I thought Craig Kilborn was better than Craig Ferguson. Leno isn't funny. The only thing on his show that is good is "Headlines". I watch Letterman cause his weird humor really makes me laugh. Never got into Jimmy and I didn't know that Carson still had a show. He does need to eat something though. Conan is the best.

Johnny! said...

Letterman is the total package. Technically, he's the best broadcaster and host by far. He also has the reliability one looks for in a long-term late night host.

Conan is the funniest IMO.

Jinx said...

Why does it make me smile that no one has said they like Carson Daly???

I absolutely loooove Conan...I think his style of humor is very unique.

I'll do mine by time slot though, because since you get to choose to watch more than one of these because of time slots, why should I choose just one???!!!??


daniel said...

Conan is the funniest guy of the bunch. Kimmel is the most creative. But, the top spot has to go to Letterman. He is by far the best late night host. 99.5% of his interviews are absolutely brilliant.

Susie Moore said...

Hands down Jimmy Kimmel. And can I just say that I hate Conan. He has to be the most annoying talk show host ever. His guest can never get a word in without him telling some long drawn out story of his own.

Unknown said...
