Thursday, June 01, 2006

Some of you have probably heard me talk about seeing Gary Busey's appearance on TBN last year. If you remember that, then you'll recall that he was spouting some of the most ridiculous nonsense in an attempt to sound theological.

Well, thankfully, they re-ran the show a few nights ago on TBN. And yes, I taped it. My plan is to go back, watch the tape and transcribe some of the chaos that ensued. Maybe soon.

But the reason for my post is this: after Busey is done, the pastor hosting the show starts talking about how Gary is a miracle of God. And then he says something I've heard numerous times over the years . . . that Satan knew what God had planned for Gary and that's why Satan tried to kill Gary.

I started wondering about that statement? Is that really why Satan is out to get people? Or is it that Satan in fact a liar who seeks to kill, destroy, steal, etc. Isn't just a monster who lives on destruction, a enemy of the Father who has an insatiable thirst for pain and evil? It's a weird thought - that Satan is trying to kill those people who God has intended for great things. But hasn't God intended us all for greatness if choose to follow His call? I know God has great things planned for me, but actually listening and obeying is pretty key to that happening. What if Gary Busey hadn't given His life to Christ? Satan tries to kill people who just might do something great?

What do you think?