Monday, February 02, 2009

Things That...(1 of 2)

  1. Oprah.
  2. Entertainment journalists.
  3. Obama hype.
  4. Mornings.
  5. Empty Diet DP bottle.
  6. Poorly written songs.
  7. Bad drumming.
  8. Soccer moms in Hummers. (Extra points if they're in "exercise wear")
  9. The dude in Brooks and Dunn who doesn't do anything.
  10. Losing my car keys.
  11. Being late.
  12. My bank. I think they steal my money.
  13. Details.
  14. Dentists.
  15. Uploading to YouTube.
  16. When GarageBand doesn't cooperate.
  17. Packing up gear after a gig.
  18. People who are inconsiderate.
  19. Over-spiritualization.
  20. Christian radio fundraisers.
  21. The bandwagon.
  22. Traffic cops.
  23. Teachers who don't smile at kids.
Now..what drives YOU crazy?


Johnny! said...

23? Okay...

1. "Makin' out with Jesus" songs.
2. Humanism.
3. Statism.
4. Being able to recognize the presence of humanism and statism in even microscopic qualities wherever it manifests.
5. Finneyism/revivalism.
6. Fads.
7. Christian fads.
8. Most things Reformed guys have to say about music.
9. The Republican Party.
10. Bad sackers at the grocery store.
11. People in front of me who haggle with the checker at the grocery store.
12. Getting the "push" from the guy behind me in a line. Why are you standing so close to me?
13. Pro-Tools.
14. Beat Detective.
15. "Loud" mastering.
16. Slow internet.
17. The DVR failing to record.
18. Hipsters.
19. IMAG.
20.Seeing myself on a video screen, anywhere, when I'm playing drums.
21. The Bubble. I'll play quieter, okay?
22. Tape on drumheads.
23. Wobbly drum thrones.

Unknown said...

First time commented but

# Christian radio fundraisers-I cant stand it when Dove Award winning stations spend 3 days raising money for Food for the Poor and then the next day have a 25,000 dollar macys gift card give away!

1)people who see themselves as a Democrat/republican and slam the other party without an open mind

2)Praise and Woship songs being redone over 3 times in one year and being played on the same station

I have to go think now!

Todd Wright said...

13-15 made me smile. 19-20 make total sense.

You're a bit of grumpy old man, Mr. Simmons.

Johnny! said...

Grumpy? I was assuming by "crazy" you meant "extremely annoyed." If you just mean CRAZY crazy, well then,
1. Whisky...

chrismaroon said...

I don't even know where to start. I began a list out loud and it was just about driving "stuff". I might have that many driving things that make me nutts. Sadly, I may have to pare my list down. (Not sad to pare it down, but sad my list is that long.)

Artie said...

23? Really??
1. Camp songs
2. Camp songs in church
3. Awesome God (beat you to it Chris)..puttin on the ritz??
4. Slow drivers in the fast lane
5. People that drive down the road and don't know their blinker is on
6. People that do not see the final outcome of their stupid decision.
7. Over carbonated diet coke.
8. Hollywood types that think they are authorities on important subjects.
9. Actors that don't realize that all they are, are people who pretend. (kinda the same as 8 but I want the full view of my crazyness regarding this subject to be evident)
10. Slow Internet
11. Poor Local Inbound Service
12. Independent contractors that have a 2 hour planning horizon.
13. Musicians that continuously play their instrument in practice over and over and over no matter what is going on.
14. Picking up after others
15. Pulling weeds
16. Being thrown under the bus.
17. Being reneged on in public without notice
18. Christian rip offs of pop culture
19. Know-it-alls that can't come through themselves
20. Failing to acknowledge the receipt of a txt message (lack of closure)..Unless it's Cory Glover and I know he works that way.
21. People who want me to do things but don't give me the information I need to prepare.
22. People who stop my DVR's recording to watch something else.
23. Christian music snobbery...but am I doing that with #'s 1 and 2?? I think I need to pray about that...really.
24. The fact that my body is not young anymore and I can't do things I used to do.
Sorry.. 24 instead of 23.

Isn't this really a verson of 25 random facts except categorized and not numerically regulated?

Todd Wright said...

Actually, no. I didn't think anybody would comment w/ 23 back at me. I figured comments would just be one thing.

But that's okay...the long lists are cool, too!