Friday, August 22, 2008

Skribit Friday....

Skribit was quiet this week, but I figured I'd at least try to answer the few that came through...

1. Contributing to internet addiction:

Here's how I see it. Everybody's addicted to something. The key is minimizing both the number of addictions and the effect they have on our lives. (It should be noted that I have absolutely no training whatsoever that would entitle me to make statements like that second sentence.) Just so you know.

If your addiction is reading this blog, then I think you're gonna' be okay. There are very few side effects to showing up around here. I think the internet is awesome...I think our culture only understands and utilizes about 1% of the internet's potential. I'm sure we'll get there, eventually!

Some may disagree with me, but I love the connections I've made through this blog. While I've got some friends who are readers, I consider almost all my readers as my friends.

So, go ahead...keep taking hits off the old Todd Blog. It ain't gonna' hurt ya!

2. Warren/Obama/McCain forum:

I didn't see the forum. Heard good things about it. Heard a lot of good things about Rick Warren.

I think this election is shaping up to be one of the most interesting ones we've seen in a long, long while. Here's why...

Normally, by this point in an election, sides have been taken. Usually, the candidates have so galvanized their platforms and viewpoints by now that it's hard to find indecision regarding the vote.

But not this year...I think the indecision is a good thing. I like that people are still researching, still asking questions, still weighing important issues about each candidate. It makes for a bit of nail-biter once voting day comes, but I think it's good to have an election where people are forced to dig deeper than 60-second ads and conservative talk radio.

Okay...that's Skribit Friday! Thanks for playing and we'll see you next time...


Shelly Conn said...

Talking about addition. I think I am way to addicted to sweet tea, but am I going to do anything about it, NO!