Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Friday...

Because Jonah had been sick on Thursday night, he slept in our bed. Krist and I stayed up way too late playing a new Agatha Christie game called "And Then There Were None" on the Wii. (Awesome...)

Kristen went to bed and I opted to sleep on the couch so Jonah would have lots of room to flail about.

In the early hours of Friday morning, I was dreaming that I was looking at a laminated chart of great developments in the history to the electric washer and drier (which were invented by Albert Einstein in my dream.) At some point within that craziness, someone in my dream began screaming "DADDY!"

Once I realized that it was not, in fact, Albert Einstein, I dashed down the hall to find Jonah feeling sick and needing a little TLC. Once he felt a bit better, he got up and came in the living room. Kristen and Finley kept sleeping.

Jonah and I lounged for a good while, being about as lazy as we could be and feeling good about ourselves that we were being nice to let Mom and Sister sleep in. Once they got up, I slept. I mean...I slept.

Kristen finally woke me up and kept saying ridiculous things like "let's clean this house." She knows it's Friday, right? I cool would this post if I blogged about cleaning the house? Not cool, that's how. She actually got busy picking stuff up, which I do appreciate, because this house is filthy.

We all got dressed and headed into town. We were headed to pick up a prescription for Kristen, but halfway there, she roared 'I AM HUNGRY' and we screeched into the nearest parking lot we could find.

We all ate at Cotton Patch, which was delightful in spite of some sort of change regarding the preparation of french fries. I remember their fries being golden brown and crispy through-and-through, which I prefer. Today's fries were not crispy. At all. But the rest of our food was great.

We then drove over to Sam's to pick up Kristen's prescription. (Anybody else use Sam's for prescriptions? They're great.) After that, we headed to the mall to pick up some stuff for Jonah to read. He's a great reader, but he's pretty much read through all his stuff and I wanted to get him something else to dig into.

By the time we got out of the bookstore, Jonah had a giant Spongebob book. (I know, I know. But hey, he's reading, okay?) Finley got Kung-Fu Panda and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Kristen got some sort of Pride and Prejudice spin off. (A la Glen Beck's "bonnet movie" idea...)

We drove home, put Finley down for a nap. Kristen and Jonah read for awhile, then Jonah got his Wii-time. Kristen kept reading, I worked on the computer for a bit and my Mom called asking if the kids could come over later that evening! Yay! Free child-care! Kristen and I got all excited and the prospect of free-time. Then we realized we'd probably just use the time to go to Target or something.

We dropped the kids off and headed into town. Kristen is still eating very little as her body learns how to live without a gall bladder, so I got some fast food and she ate a little ice cream.

After that, we went to Home Depot. I have serious problems with Home Depot, Lowe's, and other home improvement stores, but because I love and cherish my wife, we went.

After driving around town, just talking and hanging out, we headed back to our house for a bit. Krist stayed home and chilled while I drove back over and got picked up the kids. They were bathed when I got there, but still wanted to play. My grandparents were there, so I hung out with Mom, Dad, PaPa and GiGi until the kids were tired and ready to go home.

Finley went to sleep pretty soon after arriving home and Jonah was out not long after that. Kristen messed around on the computer for awhile, then went to bed. Tonight was technically an exercise night, but last night's tennis match with Jonah wrecked my ankles and I was afraid a run might actually result in something broken, shattered or sprained. There's always tomorrow!

I got in bed, watched a movie on the laptop and then crashed!

Other Fridays: (as of this posting...if there are others, I will link them.)