Wednesday, February 27, 2008


oldfart said...

They failed to mention in the video that all the retailers shown towrads the end of the video were given a nice tax incentive to move into the Lufkin Area.

They also failed to mention anything about the closed Abitibi paper mill that they have yet to collect any taxes on.

They also failed to mention that Lufkin now has Beer and Wine sales inside the city limits and it is just a matter of time before the hard stuff makes it's entrance as well.

Oh, listen to me, I am so negative.....

I forgot that Wal Mart, Sam's Club, Old Navy, Office Depot and the others all pay well enough to pay a decent mortgage and raise a family. (sarcasm off)

oldfart said...

It was very nice to see Dr. Shelton in the video however.

JBo said...

Is Yana the namesake for the Downtown HoDown?

This comment won't last long.

oldfart said...

Oh My goodness. Shame on you Lumbearstang.