Saturday, December 15, 2007

Makes Perfect Sense To Me...

I'll admit it - I'm not a football fan. I understand it, I just don't enjoy it all that much. Because of that, I have to be careful that I don't let my dislike of football color my conversation regarding the sport with folks who dig it.

However, the Michael Vick situation has really intrigued me. I find it extremely odd that we convicted a man to 23 months in jail for dogfighting, when countless athletes before him have commited even more heinous crimes and received only fines and minimal game suspensions.

Did we do too much to Vick, or, not enough to everybody else?


jaybrams said...

what are these more heinous "crimes" you speak about? The ones that athletes were actually convicted of...

He committed multiple federal felonies and had a chance to have his sentence around the 12 month mark, but instead decided to get busted for drugs, lie to the feds (after his plea agreement) and offered very little help to the FBI when they questioned him further...

I do think some of the public outcry has been a bit ridiculous, but the Fed. Court was just doing its job and not concerned with any other athletes.

It more sickened me that recently someone who was responsible for the death of an infant at a childcare only received one month longer than Vick did... anyway... later.

Todd Wright said...

I'm talking about YEARS of athletes arrested for assualt, drug use, drug sales, carrying of illegal rape, weapons...and how many of them spent two years in jail?

Oh, and you didn't answer my question...were to hard on Vick or too soft on everybody else.

Todd Wright said...

"carrying of illegal rape" is a lesser charge within the Federal justice system.

Trust me, guys, I worked at the Clerk's Office for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Todd 2 B (W)Right this time....the answer is......too soft on all the other guys. Just right on Vick.

Unfortunately, Justice is not always equal or Right (like you).

Peace Upon You.
Anonymous (MOL World)

Todd Wright said...

Welcome, Anonymous...I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

Well, according to Wikipedia's "List of professional athletes convicted of crimes" -- Vicks sentence seems fair -- or light compared to others. Cecil Collins got 15 years (the maximum sentence apparently) for burglary!

But for those who haven't seen a day inside a prison cell I say the system is too soft on celebrities in general.

Todd Wright said...

Paul, who the crap is Cecil Collins?

And what does wikipedia say about athletes arrested, but not convicted?

jaybrams said...

i think what vick got was fair and I outlined why in my first response.

In the court of public opinion, as i also stated, the case has been over blown...

Drugs are not near as heinous as what vick did. I certainly think abuse or anything that affects another human being is more heinous, but not drugs.

So other than Mike Tyson (who was given a six year sentence and let out early (as many criminals are) and is still widely considered an evil man in the eyes of the public)... who else are you talking about other than drug abusers?

There are one time offenders of abuse/assualt with sketchy details, kobe's charges were dropped BY THE PROSECUTION because the case was so weak, and a lot of drug abusers (which again, is not more heinous than this)...

who, then, are you talking about again?

and i googled "carrying of illegal rape" cause i have no idea what it is and nothing came up, so you'll have to forgive me for not knowing what the crap you're talking about on that one.

who did we miss?

Todd Wright said...

Jay seems a little mad, gang.

jaybrams said...

ha! no, i just find it funny/odd/whatever you want to call it that you made pretty bold claims but don't have any examples... :D

truth be told I read you for your thoughtful worship posts, not your opinion on mike vick, so we're all good. keep up the good work.

Todd Wright said...
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Todd Wright said...

Yeah, but are you, you know, ever gonna' answer my question?

Johnny! said...

Scripture teaches that a righteous man regards the life of his animal, but doesn't outline criminal punishment for what one does to one's animal.

Todd Wright said...

Thank God Johnny's here.

Just what this lil' argument needs - some OT wisdom.

Johnny! said...

Heh. Wanna talk about pharmakeia?