Monday, November 19, 2007

Just A Little Theory I Have...


I don't care how sweet your husband is. I don't care how much he loves you, the kids, the holidays and life in general. I don't care if he smiles and acts like it's the most awesome thing in the world...

But there isn't a man on earth who actually enjoys Christmas decorations.

By the way, where did we get the idea to pack breakables in newspaper? Is that really going to help? Is it really going to keep stuff from breaking?


Johnny! said...

I like our Nativity icon.

Y'know what the problem is? No one keeps a proper Advent and Christmas. Makes all the decoration and such a bigger pain.

Todd Wright said...

Yeah, but you're not normal.

rk said...

so, todd, you seriously don't believe that wadded up newspaper keeps stuff from breaking? have you ever packed up anything breakable in your life? cuz i mean, if you want to do a little experiment, you could just stuff some plates into a box with no wadded up paper, then stuff some other plates into another box with wadded up paper, and i'm pretty sure you'll see a difference in breakage. it ain't like a mythbusters experiment or anything.

also, i agree with johnny about the advent stuff. ever since we've been doing it, i don't hate the decorations as much.

oh, and also also, you're right about johnny. he ain't normal.

Romack said...

Slightly unrelated, but a relevant point nonetheless, if you are going to packing I had to....make sure your knives are at least wrapped in something. I did just what Ross said, threw plates in a box, knives, etc....nothing to wrap it up with.

One of the plates broke AND one of the knives got stuck in my hand.

Forrest said...

Haha you got a knife in the hand...

I really enjoy decorations...

Todd Wright said...

But do any of you enjoy DECORATING?

Johnny! said...

I do. Christmas Eve we hang all the ornaments after Church. After looking at a bare tree for a month, it's nice.