Tuesday, November 06, 2007

How I Think It Goes (A one-act play)

The following post is significantly "regional" in nature. Those of you unfamiliar with the Lufkin area won't care all that much, and I apologize. I realize that my blog is becoming more and more famous with each day and soon, I won't be able to post as many local-themed items, so I better do it while I can.



Youth Pastor 1
Hey, everybody. Let's go ahead and get started. We really need to get started on planning this next big community event. What do we want to do?

Youth Pastor 2
I'm thinking, let's hire a band and bring in a speaker.

Youth Pastor 1
I like that idea a lot. A band and a speaker.

Youth Pastor 3
Have we done that before?

Youth Pastor 2

Youth Pastor 3
The band and speaker thing...haven't we done that for the last, I don't know, thirteen years?

Youth Pastor 1
No, no. Two years ago we hired a ventriloquist.

Youth Pastor 4
No, we didn't.

Youth Pastor 2
We didn't?

Youth Pastor 4
We wanted to, but then we decided to go with a band and a speaker.

Youth Pastor 1
Oh, yeah. That was awesome.

Youth Pastor 2
So, we're doing band and a speaker?

Youth Pastor 3
Yeah. Let's do that. Who can we get?

Youth Pastor 1
Well, we need somebody really well-known and very successful and also affordable.

Youth Pastor 2
And they've gotta' do songs we know.

Youth Pastor 3
Right. We don't want them teaching a bunch of new songs.

Youth Pastor 4
It's going to be hard to find somebody famous who's still be cheap.

Youth Pastor 1
What about Crowder?

Youth Pastor 4
Crowder costs $14,000. We don't even spend that much in a whole year.

Youth Pastor 1
So, Crowder's out?

Youth Pastor 4
Unless you've got $14,000 we don't know about.

Youth Pastor 1
My kids love Crowder.

Youth Pastor 2
I know. Mine too. Did you see him do that Guitar Hero thing?

Youth Pastor 3
Dude, it was so awesome...I mean, like, kids know that stuff, you know?

Youth Pastor 1
Nobody better than Crowder.

Youth Pastor 2
It was so funny, man, they talked about Mario Brothers

Youth Pastor 3
That was so cool, man.

Youth Pastor 1
That settles it, let's get Crowder.

Youth Pastor 4
You can't.

Youth Pastor 1
Why not?

Youth Pastor 4
HE'S TOO EXPENSIVE. Didn't we just talk about this?

Youth Pastor 2
I vote for Crowder.

Youth Pastor 3
I vote for Crowder! Me too!

Youth Pastor 1
Great idea, guys. Let's get Crowder!

Youth Pastor 4
That's it. I'm becoming a worship leader.


Unknown said...

I think I love Todd Wright!

Oh yeah, you forgot the other 14 youth pastors, who dont get to talk! (JK)

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that we eat after we figure out the band and speaker.

And we do like to get the "BIG" names and not the unknown guys like "The Todd Wright Band."

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

Haha, I miss East Texas

david said...

Youth Pastor to Worship Leader? Sketchy. But I have a student who's grandmaother taught Crowder in second grade Sunday School.

Johnny! said...

I taught his drummer's drum teacher. I should get a taste of that 14 large.

Todd Wright said...

2nd grade Sunday School teacher? That connection's close enough...let's call him.

Lance said...

Things must have changed... doesn't sound like any of the meetings I attended.

Jason Fullen said...
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Jason Fullen said...

I was at the "ventriloquist meeting." Funny thing was, we couldn't even afford him.

It actually does sound very reminiscent of those meetings. Funny stuff. Fun meetings - I miss those guys.

Clay said...

Well, I go to these meetings and Todd's "one-act" does not come close to how it goes down at The Net.

As a matter of fact, at this last meeting, we talked about sex, smoking cigars, the wonderful and refreshing drink that is...Shiner Bock, Christmas parties, movies and books that God and Christians should hate, and politics.

It was a spirited meeting to say the least.

And we miss you, too, Jason.

Unknown said...

Wow, Clay must be pastor number 2!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.