Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Everybody Into The Bunker!

Oh, man...Christians are going crazy over this one. The Harry Potter thing was nothing compared to what this movie is stirring up.

Heard of it? Thoughts?


Jeff said...

of course i have heard of it. this is from Dave Barnhart's website, which is an interesting way to look at it:

I ran across articles about the movie The Golden Compass the other day, and have just received viral email about the movie. Like other moral panics (The Last Temptation of Christ, etc.) I think the worst thing Christians can do is go nuts about this movie. The children kill God. So what? I don’t think most Christians understand that our faith is based on this idea:

1) We’ve already killed God.

2) It didn’t take.

Johnny! said...

Christians run headlong to, and feed their kids, far more God-hating things than a silly movie.

Jinx said...

Silly Christians....Trix are for kids

Clay said...

I guess the question to ask is, "Is God afraid of this movie?" The answer...I don't think so. Throughout time folks have killed, mocked, and blasphemed God in books, screenplays, comic strips, newspapers, name it. God is bigger than any of that. We know He's alive...nothing can change that.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

well everybody knows that Christians don't believe in entertainment, or gravity.

I haven't heard of it but it looks like a dark Chronicles of Narnia which could be way cool.

Robert Conn said...

As far as I'm concerened I'm going to boycott the theater. I'm going to stand out in front of the place with rainbow colored signs that read "God Hates Creative Minds". Then I'm going to sing cute little songs like "So you say you want a fight...Don't watch this movie cause it ain't right." Then afterwards I'll pray for their hardened hearts as the crowd streams out of the complex with one accord hell-bent on destroying the church.

Truthfully I'm just excited about the 344 emails that I will receive with the same message, "Hey Robert I thought you might be interested in this." As if to say, "Can you please tell our kids why this movie is evil cause we heard it was but we won't invest anything in order to actually check it out ourselves."

Bobby said...

It amazes me that some Christians get so worked up about a movie that reflects non or anti-Christian views. Do we expect people who do not know the One True God to reflect Him in their work? It doesn't make sense.
It sounds like the author of the books has a major beef with the Catholic Church which, despite the views of some, is not a good representation of the totality of Christian faith any more than the SBC can be considered the epitome of American Christianity.
In the end, I'll probably go see it and check it out for myself.

daniel said...

I'll watch it. It may be in the theater or it may be when it comes out on video. But I'm for sure gonna see it.

jenni said...

I don't know anything about the book, but I heard Christians are livid and I thought, "Oh, Lord. Here we go." Then I saw a commercial for the movie and I thought the visuals looked way cool. I could see us renting it.