Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hey, guys...

I wanted to wait until I had some confirmation on this thing, but I think it's finalized now, so I can finally share it with you!

A lot of you have been really encouraging about the upcoming CD and even a few of you have asked how you can help out when its released.

For those interested, I'm hosting a "CD Day" next Thursday, October 25th. Here's what we'll do...on that day, I'm inviting all interested parties to my house on Brenda Street. We'll gather up, get our instructions, and then we'll all start grabbing furniture and loading it into a U-Haul as we talk about how great my CD is going to be.

"Wait," you say. "Todd, this sounds like a ploy to trick us into helping you move next week." No,'s not a trick.

Will we be moving? Maybe?
Will we be having a total blast talking about me while we move? Absolutely.

That's CD Day - this Thursay, October 25th at around 9am!

All jokes aside...can anybody help? I can't pay you, but Blake Stewart might be there. That's gotta' count for something right?


Unknown said...

Blake Stewart hasnt cleared the date with his boss, so maybe you shouldn't count him in just yet!

ok, maybe you can, I am such a softy! (Not in the literal terms of the word softy, as in fat or plump, or any other meaning of the word other than I would not have any problem with him helping. As long as he works Friday and Saturday to make up for the work he is missing on Thursday. Oh wait, he doesnt come in until 2:00pm anyway, so what is the use in saying anything at all about Friday and Saturday!

Oh, and I might just have to swing by the CD Party too!

Romack said...

I was just suprised you were commiting Blake to a 9am engagment...isn't that a little early....

wait, who am i to talk

Rachel said...

I would come Todd, but as you know I have a bad back. I would totally love to hear about the c.d.

Angela said...

So is it THIS Thursday? Or October 25th at around 9am?

Either way I won't be able to make it.

Anonymous said...

Angela is so uncommitted to this...

Todd Wright said...

I apologize for the confusion. It's actually NEXT Thursday, not THIS one.

I actually emailed Blake and Brad Anderson and I've heard from neither.

So, are they just lazy or scared?

Romack said...

Man, Brad always helps me move...maybe if you were as cool as me, he would respond to you (I KNOW he reads your blog).

What a shame you can't hold it down like J-Ro.