Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Does it bother anybody else that Matisyahu is on the cover of Relevant?
The guy doesn't believe that Jesus was Messiah...

First Ben Folds, now this? I love the magazine, but they're so intent on being cool that they're wasting my time.


Johnny! said...

And then there's Evan Almighty and Anne Lamott.

All pretty irrelevant in the Kingdom sense.

Jeff said...

i think its irrelevant cause he sucks...but whatever. haha.

Johnny! said...

There is that.

blake stewart said...

Let's be serious...

Just because something or someone is religious affiliated does not mean they are bound to only covering one side of the story. If that was the way that media was ran (which it partially is) then everything we hear/heard would be biased.

I think Relevant does a great job of taking everyday topics of discussion and puts a spin on them that can relate to both sides of the spectrum. There is information for believers and non-believers.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of Relevant's market was non-Christians.

With that said, I thought that both the Matisyahu and Ben Folds articles were great. Ben actually does believe in God, and the article on Matisyahu was quite resourceful on information about Hassidic Judaism, and being a religious artist in a really mixed up and confused industry. Just because his religion is not Christianity does not mean what he has to say is not resourceful...

Todd Wright said...


Anybody else want to take this one?

Johnny! said...

Hey, I'll buy all that. HM used to interview non-Christians too. I question how and why a Christian magazine named "Relevant" would "relate to both sides of the spectrum." Seems to me the idea would be to put a Christian interpretation on what is covered. "Here's how to enjoy these anti-Christian things as a Kingdom man or woman." I'd buy that magazine in a heartbeat.

And maybe they do that...I've never been interested enough to check it out.

Todd Wright said...

Okay, who knows what Johnny's talking about when he says "HM?" I do...15,000 points to anybody else who can figure out who or what HM is.

Thanks for the blast from the past, Johnny! I forgot about the glory that was HM.

Jeff said...

I was rude..he doesn't suck, I have actually enjoyed some of his music. I just think that Relevant does not only appeal to Christians but Non Christians as well. I don't think they are saying he is a Relevant Christian, but he is relevant to today's culture.

blake stewart said...

Hard Music Magazine. I win...

Jinx said...

I've been IN HM!!! How ya like that suckas!

Johnny! said...

I wrote for HM. Touché!

Todd Wright said...

No, guys. Wrong.

It's "Hassidic Monthly."