Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Another Small Glimpse of Glory

I have a lot of favorite sounds, but one of my absolute favorite things to hear is my wife as she sings to our kids before bed.

It doesn't happen always. Most nights, I put Jonah to bed w/ a story and prayer while Kristen puts Finley to bed down the hall, so I'm unable to hear her singing to Finley. But on occasion, Jonah will call her into his room and I can hear her softly singing to him.

Everybody knows my wife is a great singer, I'm just not sure everybody knows why. I do.

Kristen is one of those rare singers that can't help but reveal what's in her when she sings. You'll find no pretense in her melodies. If she's not feeling it, you'll know; and if she is feeling it, everybody in the room is enraptured because she literally sings her love.

It's another testament, these late night lullabies. It's another glimpse of God's goodness right here in my house and one more reason to honor Him with all I have. It's one of the things to remember as the Psalm directs me to "declare His goodness to the generations."

I give thanks to God for this woman, her love and her songs.


Shelly said...

very nice.

Robert Conn said...

Well "her love" better be on your CD.

Todd Wright said...

that's the plan