Saturday, June 23, 2007

Lord have mercy / Todd have mercy

Well, my little updating of the link list last week caused quite a stir. While there was only one public "comment" regarding the link list change, there were a few other experiences that spoke of the potential stress I caused.

-One fellow blogger refused to sit by me at lunch.
-One fellow blogger claimed that he was going to start his own blog-community and I "would never know anything about it."
-Many fellow bloggers immediately began posting.

If I remember correctly, I removed the following names from my link list:
1. Lance Burch
2. Danielle Beck
3. Blake Stewart
4. Andrew Osenga

5. Angela Janisch

At this time, I would like to open up a dialogue regarding the possibility of reinstating the aforementioned bloggers.

If you think I should bring these folks back to the party, please respond with your vote and why I should get them back on the list.

I also haven't had Jonathan Martin linked for some time and I am aware that he is not blogging frequently. Jonathan's connection to both this local and web-community is well known, and so, I am willing to also consider bringing him back onto the link list.

If you care, share...


blake stewart said...

i personally vote myself back on...

Todd Wright said...

why, though?

Romack said...

Not to burst your little blogging bubble, but, I couldn't care less...

Robert Conn said...

Todd, if you reinstate non-blogging bloggers then society breaks down. The World spins in reverse and life suddenly loses it shine.

It's hard being the Blogger police but hey if it were easy then Blake Stewart would do it!

Unknown said...

I vote to bring back Blake, (because he works with me!)

I can make it part of his job that he blogs, if that will help!

blake stewart said...

That's right, Jimmy got's my back...

That's how we hold it down on the other side of town. And I currently am making a striving effort to blog once a week or so...

Todd Wright said...

"How we hold it down on the other side of town?"

Is Blake quoting hip-hop lyrics now.

blake stewart said...

Fo sho. You know how we roll...

Danielle said...

LOL I'm personally not up for the challenge of staying on Todd's blog...I must openly admit...I don't have what it takes. anyone vote for my reinstatement...I feel I must warn you that after reinstatement I may end up on another "Lord/Todd have mercy" post.