Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm all about the free exchange of music. I love Rhapsody and iTunes and Napster and all those great entities whereby we can have whole records in our possessions in mere seconds. But, I have to make this confession...

I miss buying CDs. Mol Jr talked about this not too long ago and it resonated with me. I miss the smell of a new CD, reading through the liner notes, finding the perfect place in the CD case for it. I miss it. I miss it.


Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

hey, for only 14.95 per month I'll send you an E-mail telling you to stop buying music online and to go to Hastings. Upgrade to the premium edition and for only 29.95 per month I'll throw in a phone call.

Todd Wright said...

I pay with cash.

Where's all my North Texas gigs?

Forrest said...

Maybe if you weren't stealing your music...


Johnny! said...

You'll get over it. I felt the same way when I stopped buying LPs.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

North Texas gigs? Well there was that open mic night at the coffee shop...

hurry up with that CD so I can be like:

me: hey you gotta listen to this guy.
church/youth pastor/bar owner:Todd Wright? Never heard his stuff. Got a CD?
me: of course.
*listens to CD*
bar owning youth pastor:Holy Spirit Batman! This guy is good! I want him to play at ______. And I'll pay with cash!