Sunday, May 20, 2007

Virtual Praise Band

Well, Mr. Beauford and Mr. Lee are tied up for the coveted drum spot on the Virtual Praise Band. So, come on, who would you take on your next gig?

Hey, you know what I love? You know what's been the MOST fun about doing this thing? It's those of you who disagree with me...
You see, I like the sort of community that blogs afford us, but I'm going to have make one request. If you disagree with the options, think I'm being stupid or would rather post your own potential players, please don't. Just vote. The point is you HAVE to pick one. So, live a little. Don't forget, the band is "virtual," after all.

(Plus, these players make for great joke-material...why not show how creative your vote can be? My favorite was Ryan's idea of a rotating drum cage in Crosspoint. That's the kinda' votes I'm looking for!)
Vote. Or don't.
Anybody else loving the new autosave feature on blogger? Digging it big time, man.


Jeff said...

Carter for me.

Tony said...

gotta go w/ tommy. carter plays... a lot of notes. tommy feels more like a groove-oriented 2 & 4 guy to me.

but it would be interesting to hear carter outside DMB...

Robert Conn said...


I say Tommy Lee, maybe he'll meet Jesus!

Michael James said...

i still prefer carter. anybody can play straight rock...i know cuz that's all i can really play on drums!

Todd Wright said...

Let me offer one point of clarification...I'm not sure if I did this on the last tie-breaker, but I am viewing this tie vote as an all-new vote.

In other words, those votes cast in the first round of drum selection are not being counted. This way, those who voted for Abe can still have a chance now to determine the drum spot.

So this is almost an all-new vote for drums, eh?

And, Dave Matthews band sucks.

blake stewart said...

Todd Wright Band sucks, and Carter is my vote.

All you haters saying that Beauford has no flexibility are absurd. Have you ever heard Lee play outside of the Rock genre? Didn't think so...

Beauford puts Tommy Lee to shame, and to argue against that would be straight blasphemy.

Todd Wright said...

In ten years, Blake, you're gonna' listen to some of your beloved DMB and realize that it was total crap from the get-go.

And thanks for voting.