Friday, May 11, 2007

My Friday

Got up with Finley around 6:30. Jonah woke up at 7. Let Krist sleep about 45 minutes, then we swapped out. I woke up around 8:30 (I think.) Had a delicious breakfast of chocolate cake. (Left over from a shower that Kristen had hosted the night before. Breakfast of champions....

Got outside to mow the yard and clean out "the jungle" at 9:30. "The Jungle" is the overgrown section of the backyard that housed the previous owner's dog pen. Over the past couple of years, I had let a lot of the grass grow up on one side to seperate our property from the neighbors. Nothing untoward, mind you...just wanted a little privacy. But, now that the dog pen is gone and Krist is wanting the backyard fence, the Jungle has got to go.

Since this is my blog, I feel that I can pretty much say whatever I want. So, I'm going to now tell you my mowing procedure for the morning. If you care not to read about lawn mowing, I suggest you scan lower in the post for items of interest.

I mowed the right-hand side of the yard first (seperated by a sidewalk that runs from front door to street.) After that, used the weedeater on the right-hand ditch, once again angry that our ditches are far too overgrown for our culverts to truly work. After than did the same procedure on the left-hand side yard and ditches. Then moved to other side of the driveway, same procedure. At this point, the whole ditch situation was getting to me, so I grabbed a shovel and worked on leveling up my ditches. Now, you should know that

  • A) I'm kinda' lousy at yardwork. Especially involving a shovel.
  • B) I didn't really have time to do all the ditches, so I just played in the dirt a bit to see if I get the water moving come flood-time.

It really was a great day to be outside - cloudy, with a nice breeze. By this time, I'm thinking that maybe The Jungle isn't gonna' be on the schedule, but Kristen walks out and lovingly says...


I growl at her, then went to The Jungle. In mid-clean up, I turn to see my good friend Chris Caraway standing in my yard with a handful of $100 dollar bills. I turn off the weedeater and hand over the drugs....

Not really...Chris was giving me another installment of the "Todd Wright CD fund" to help cover meals and hotels for Forrest and I next week.

When all was said and done, I finished up around 12:30, played for a few minutes outside with Jonah, then headed in to clean up and have lunch with my family.

A little after 1, I loaded up the kids and we headed into town to do some Mother's Day shopping. I had already picked up something for Kristen, but I wanted Jonah to pick something out for her on his own. While at Target (don't worry, Kristen knows that's where we went,) we walked over to the toy section for the obligatory "can we look at toys?" Jonah still has about twenty bucks saved up, so when he found a LEGO kit that he's been looking everywhere for, we bought it. 106 pieces of pure parental torture.

Alas, we got it done and played with it a bit before driving Kristen to meet her ride to the rehearsal dinner for her friend Nicole. After dropping her off, me and the kids drove over to parents' place, but nobody was home.

We came home, ate, took an extremely long and splashy and crazy bath. Put Finley down around 7:30. Jonah and I stayed up and played LEGO Star Wars. He went to bed just after 8. Stayed up and blogged, waiting for him to go to sleep so I could get started on straightening up the house.