Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virtual Praise Band - Electric Guitar's something to pass the time. I'm calling it the VIRTUAL PRAISE BAND. Periodically, I'll post three potential celebrity musicians and ask you all which one you would want in your praise band. (Even if you're not in a band, share with us all who you would or wouldn't like to see on stage during worship.)

We'll start with electric guitar. Tell us who you would want and why!


Forrest said...

Kurt Cobain?

Todd Wright said...

He'll be one of the choices when we do lead vocals.

Robert Conn said...

The Edge
(Pro) - He's quiet
(Con) - Can't think of one

(Pro) - Purple outfits would match Sanctuary Banners
(Con) - Licking his fingers could distract the audience

(Pro) - Worship would Rock
(Con) - The smoke from the cigarette hanging off of his Strat would get into the eyes of the bass player

Jinx said...

I'm sorta disappointed Old Man Winter isn't here...that dude kicks a$$

Jeff said...

hmm..have to go with SRV. He influenced my favorite band (Los Lonely Boys) so I would pick him. Although, Prince would be great for youth events.

*man, your dream story was crazy. thanks for sharing.

Todd Wright said...

Okay, that's one vote for Edge and one for Stevie Ray. C'mon, people, who would you pick?

Forrest said...

Ok Serious Pick -

Out of those three

- Has to be S.R.V -

The only real guitar player up there

Edge - he's U@ jangly business and what not - but that is it -

Prince - Well...

S.R.V. - Played with many a group before becoming The front man of double trouble - i say he compliments the group the best
(the imaginary group that is)

Jinx said...

Actually, no one has voted for Edge yet...Robert just named pros and cons for each.

I'll vote for Edge though...but Prince is a very, very, very, very close second. The only reason he's not getting the spot for me is because I'm sure there will be some issues with seducing girls mid-song, and that just won't fly with most congregations.

Todd Wright said...

Rob, did you vote for The Edge?

Forrest said...

stop trying to coerce rob into voting for your personal pick...

And Jinx doesn't count cause it was a sympathy vote -

SRV - 1 Edge - 0 Prince - 0

Todd Wright said...

Let's try to be intelligent, shall we? Rob listed pros and cons for each player. He listed no cons for the Edge, which would seem to say that Robert doesn't feel there would be any negative aspects to the Edge inclusion in our Fictional Worship Band.

Silly me - I thought that stating a personal opinion of a player that included no negative attributes is, in most senses, a postive selection of said guitar player.

And don't forget - this is Todd's House. You don't like it, go check your hotmail or something.

Tied at 2 to 2.

FiremanDave said...

Dude, I want all three. It'd be like G3, but better. No gay old Steve Vai with fan blowing his hair, and no Joe Satriani who is essentially just an EVH copycat