Sunday, April 29, 2007

25 Reasons Why I Love My Wife (In No Particular Order)

  1. She sings like an angel. Some of my most memorable worship experiences have occurred when she was by my side.
  2. She has a memory unlike anything I've ever seen. She uses this power to win many arguments, debates, discussions. If I'm ever on trial for murder, I'd like to Kristen to defend me. Unless, of course, I've murdered her.
  3. She's loyal. Kristen Wright is the best kind of friend to have. She loves her friends and family with a generosity and dedication rarely seen these days.
  4. She's a fantastic mom. Not only is she responsible for 90% of our children's best traits, she is raising them to be independent, smart and creative little people.
  5. She's a good kisser.
  6. She's one of the smartest people I know. If I need to know what something means, she's the one I ask.
  7. She loves reading the dictionary. She's constantly looking things up. (This may contribute to Number 6.)
  8. I'm totally infatuated by her. She gets more beautiful every day.
  9. She's funny. Way funnier than me, although few people know that, because I am pretty stinking funny. Her jokes are quicker, more clever and communicated with delivery I could never master.
  10. She lets me take naps.
  11. She doesn't freak out when I play video games late at night.
  12. Over the past year, I have seen a true change in her regarding my travel schedule. Kristen's always been supportive, but over the past 10-12 month, I have been amazed at her encouragement and happiness when I able to serve the church at large.
  13. She likes my songs. Years ago, I played everything for her first. She heard it all, long before the church did. Now, our schedules don't allow much time for "Here's a new song I wrote." So, now, when I debut something at church, she showers me with praise as soon as humanly possible. The prettiest girl I know likes my songs!
  14. She can read my mind. She knows what restaurant I want, what show I'll pick on TV and the things I'm gonna' say as soon as I think them. How can I not love somebody who knows me that well...AND LOVES ME BACK!
  15. She the Everyman. I swear that Kristen could make a fortune if she could somehow get her name out there as a research project - Krist can give you here honest opinion on something and 9 times out of 10, it will end up being the majority opinion all over the place. Very cool, baby.
  16. She has believed in me from day one. When I didn't know many guitar chords (still don't,) when I couldn't write songs (up for debate,) and when I didn't know anything about the flow of worship (still working on that one,) she knew I would realize my dream one day. I'm not sure if that dream is coming soon, but Krist believes it's coming.
  17. She has a true appreciation for the comic genius of Will Ferrell.
  18. She loves U2. That was never one of my standards in picking a wife. Boy, did I luck out.
  19. She has done a lot of stupid, silly and crazy things at my suggestion. Playing bass, for example. Can you imagine Kristen playing bass? Such a trooper.
  20. She is happiest when our family is together. For all her hipness and intelligence and allure, she's one of the best Mom's I've ever seen. She's Mom, Old School.
  21. She prays beautifully.
  22. She can fix stuff.
  23. Her blog is great. (Wish she blogged more, though!)
  24. She is holy. She has a respect and reverence for God that I wish I had. She inspires me to respect and revere Him in every aspect of my life.
  25. She really like it when I blog about her. I think it's cute.


Jeff said...

What did you do wrong? Just kidding. haha.

Forrest said...

I think we are all aware that Kristen's comedic abilities far exceed yours - And her blog is AWESOME - and - she scares me -