Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday or Whatever

Three or four times a week, I have moments where I think...I OUGHT TO BLOG ABOUT THAT! Then, of course, I forget it minutes later. (Oh, the arrogance of bloggers.)

But today at lunch with Krist and the kids, I remembered one! Yes, I remembered one of those amazing thoughts that slipped through my brain not too long ago.

What Is The Deal With the Birthday Song In Restaurants?

I mean, come these waiters and waitresses think we're going to feel that special while they stare at us with those dead eyes and sing to us in that depressive monotone? We get a free dessert and we get to piss off the waitstaff. Happy Birthday to Me! What if your family sang like that at birthday parties?

Managers...please kill the birthday song. Your staff doesn't want to do it and I don't want watch seven people do their best to sing/not-sing to me.

Anybody with me?


Jinx said...

Actually, I quite enjoy having people sing to me...especially in that public setting. It boosts my self-esteem and makes me want to go on living...

Michael James said...

i do find it quite annoying when i'm trying to enjoy my meal...alone. i'm depressed now.

Michael James said...
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Danielle said...

totally with you! both parties feel uncomfortable. it should stop!

Susie Moore said...

Does the sign in the background of that picture really say "Hot and Jellied Eels"?

Todd Wright said...

yes, susie is does. what, you don't appreciate hot and jellied eels?

isn't your foot tatto a hot and jellied eel?

Lamar The Revenger said...

Dude, you need to see my one previous post on this subject and my way of responding. IT"S WORTH IT!